It's been a busy couple weeks in ATL. We had father/daughter weekend over Father's Day with some close family friends from Chattanooga. It involved lots of drinking, a Braves games, and theft of private property.
It sounded like a great idea to borrow a piece of stone from a restaurant patio pillar (it WAS loose and we did tell the staff about it, they seemed about as interested in it as I am in going to the dentist) and it ended up as the new charming centerpiece for my patio furniture. I had actually forgotten about it until I saw two police officers in the back of my building looking around and trying to see on my neighbors deck. For about 3 minutes, I was convinced they were coming to get me for that stupid piece of stone. After my mild panic attack which consisted of running from the front of the house to the back, opening blinds and peering out while concentrating on remembering to breath, I realized how ridiculous I was acting and calmed down. (opening/closing blinds and peering out? smooth move, I'm sure you didn't look suspicious at all...note to self, don't become a hardened criminal). I never did quite figure out what they were there for, I always thought that house was sketchy...

theft of rock

rock taking its rightful place in kitchen before it was moved its current home on patio

I also had a relapse into my severe addiction to online shopping. I was doing really well since Ms. Sharon, the concierge in the condo o' luxury who had the pleasure of signing for all my packages, would look at me and say "Jor-an, I am going to come up there and unplug your computer if you keep buying stuff on ebay." When I tried to explain that I'm actually doing BARGAIN shopping and not paying full prince she just laughed. "Whatever helps you sleep at night". How I miss her. Anyway, I found myself on the couch on Sunday morning and decided to get on Amazon to buy books for the upcoming beach trip to North Carolina (all we do is beer, books, and beach). I get online, browse around and find myself with 17 books, a Braves hat, and facewash in my shopping cart. Immmmmmmmmmmpressive. Even for me. I saved myself a trip to Hat World, Barnes and Noble, and CVS all from the comfort of my living room. More time to lay out? Yes, please, and don't judge me.
On another random note (but what else would you expect) I'm in the early stages of planning a trip to Europe or Australia for early next year with my good friend Kelly (and whoever else wants to go?). While thinking about which one to narrow it down to, I remember that my other good friend Katelyn was trying to plan something to Australia a year or so ago. I think oh sweet- maybe she'll go, how fun...this is the response I get:

Jordan says: Australia? beginning of next year?
Katelyn says: huh
Jordan says: i want to go
Katelyn says: oh man my cousin just moved from there
Katelyn says: any particular reason why?
Katelyn says: do you want to hold a koala bear?
Jordan says: yes
Jordan says: i want to hold it close and pretend is wally, my stuffed animal from childhood
Katelyn says: Awe wally
Katelyn says: i want to do a wine tour of italy
Katelyn says: and hold the wine bottle close
Katelyn says: and pretend its my college friend boones farm
anddddd the world makes sense again. watch out australia, I'm coming.