it's hard to believe I've spent the last month of my life in Florida. No offense to any Floridians, it's just not my scene. I like to think I enjoy it in small doses; but when I was asked on a cold icy snowy day in February, I jumped at the opportunity to get away from ATL. I think this little break has been refreshing for me. I needed to reevaluate my life and get away from all the pressure and stress that I found myself entangled in and that was being put on me all across the board. I was feeling really overwhelmed and trapped, so I think I just needed to take a break from reality for a little bit. When I first arrived down here I figured I'd be working 3-4 days a week all day. In the entire month of March, I've worked 4-5 days. Go ahead, call me a brat, ask me if I got a boob job, whatever you want to do, I don't really care because so far, I've loved every last minute of it. I've read a ton of books, got a killer tan, drank way too many pina coladas, and have had so many of my friends and family around for pretty much the entire time. I also made some new friends along the way, so I really can't complain. Not a bad way to spend a month. As some people may or may not know, one of my favorite past times is taking random photos of some of the ridiculous people I come in contact with great pride (and some hesitation, if you know any of these people, I'm sorry) I present my trip in far.
this little scene was on the drive down..somewhere in north Florida...
day 1: mother nature's first epic fail
a little bit better, except for the middle aged drunk who insisted on feeding seagulls four subway sandwiches he should have been shoving in his own mouth. birds freak me out, so a mild panic attack followed shortly after this photo was taken
ahhh florida...thank you sir
someone forgot his pants at the hotel breakfast
on the monorail at the orlando airport...obviously this man never learned how to share. note my arm below holding on for dear life snakes...on the beach. this is using a major zoom, i was not this close.
the tannest group of 80 year old women i've ever seen. they looked really leatherly...and spoke very highly of Dr. Oz
the orlando news crew took a break from reporting all the homicides, robberies, and carjackings to report on the possibility of tsunamis in Cocoa Beach..good news..not likely.
this is my happy place
this is what happens when you forget to put sunscreen on your feet
im pretty sure this needs no caption
mother nature's second epic fail
life's a beach, i'm just playin' in the sand...