welcome back wedding season! So pretty much all I've been doing lately is going to weddings, planning on going to weddings, and buying gifts for weddings. This year seems to be another busy one as far as wedding season goes for me. I must say I enjoy them a lot more now than I did a few years ago. I think at first I was a little freaked out by the whole situation...like I had imagined a dialogue that went something along the lines of "hey guys, what are you doing? this is a fun game and all but we're not really old enough to be doing this yet right? do you KNOW how high divorce rates are now? can we go back to college yet? this sucks. you want me to wear what? have you met me, I can't walk in those heels. your wedding planner gave me a death stare. if the photographer uses the phrase 'sassy bride' again i'm leaving" I'm a little older now, a little less bitter (shocking, I know) and really enjoy seeing old friends and open bar situations (also shocking). Although I'm not budging on sassy bride. Dear future wedding photographer...you say this to me? you're done.

I'm not actually in any this summer, so I get to enjoy just being part of the crowd. This may or may not surprise you, but as much as I love being there for my friends on their special day and what not, I am absolutely petrified of those 10-45 minutes where I'm supposed to stand in front of everyone and smile and hold my flowers at the right angle all while hoping to GOD the Spanx are doing their job. Not because I mind being in front of people, I think it's more of OMG her mother will KILL me if I faint. So then I start to feel like I'm going to faint, which makes me more nervous. It's a vicious cycle of ridiculousness I know. Lately, with a little help from my pharmacist, this hasn't been so much of a problem and I'm so much happier of a bridesmaid, which in turn makes everyone's wedding day (especially you, wedding planner) that much happier. But anyway, so excited for everyone who has or is getting married this year...I'll be there with bells on!