i kinda fell apart from some of my high school friends during and after college, i got wrapped up in war eagle life, but a few of us have become close again and i love it. its nice to have people who know who you were, where you came from, and can make fun of you for the 17 year old dumbass you used to be. there are some that fell out of touch and i understand that's a part of life and it happens...its just sad. i wish i could change it, but you can only reach out to people so many times before you get the hint and stop trying. i guess i've never been the type who can just shut people out, hold grudges over nothing, or not reach back when someone reaches out. probably has come back to bite me in the ass a time or two, but i wouldn't have it any other way. what can i say, the 1993 westview elementary school citizenship award speaks for itself. HA. anyway. i spent the fall pouting over auburn not repeating last year's magic, ahh well, maybe it'll happen again soon? wishful thinking, i know bama fans. you're great, we're bad. we get it. thanks. you can all stop updating your twitter and FB statuses with how great you are and how funny it is that we suck now. it's annoying, and you're arrogant. (no, this does not go for all of you). okay enough of that. fall/winter keep me busy at work since everyone wants to have surgery before insurance rolls over. it sucks because i always work right up until the last minute at Christmas and am usually back to work a couple days after. luckily i don't get sent an hour out of town on Christmas Eve Eve to do a 10 hour case and then have to drive back through Atlanta to Chattanooga while almost everyone else's family is in Atlanta and they're not working.....oh wait.... i'm looking at you people in their 40s who live with their parents....i promise, i've let that go and i'm not bitter.

all in all life is good. im surrounded by amazing people, we have so much fun, and i'm truly blessed. now, i feel the need to make a PSA based on what i see and hear and read on a daily basis: play nicely and stop stirring up drama. also, stop making excuses....its no one's fault but your own if you act a fool, so suck it up, apologize, admit it, move on and quit blaming your actions on everything and everyone else. we're too old for that to still be happening as often as it does and im really effing sick of it. please and thank you. now, this also goes hand in hand with a lecture i gave myself 2 years ago about patron....clearly still haven't learned that one, but I'm working on it! this brings me to one of my favorite quotes of all time. i have no idea who said it but it's so true.
"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that it'd be easy; they just promised it'd be worth it."